Wednesday, 7 July 2021



India is planning to put in place a technological & regulatory framework. Department of Space has released the draft National Space Transportation Policy. Private players eager to leverage national facilities and the new policy aims to unlock the potential in space sector.


  • Space transportation systems comprising of various classes of launch vehicles, provide assured and reliable access to space for building space infrastructure that allows India to explore opportunities, not only for national needs but also for participation in global opportunities.
  • In addition to sustaining & augmenting the national space infrastructure consisting of earth observation satellites, communication satellites, navigational satellites and satellites for space science & exploration, Indian space transportation systems also enable the commercial exploitation of increasing opportunities for launch services as well as human spaceflight to near earth orbit & robotic space exploration.
  • The recent reforms announced by the Government towards unlocking the potential of the space sector in the country are expected to attract entrepreneurs to invest in cost-effective & quick turn-around space transportation systems commensurate with the significant global commercial launch services market being projected for small satellites.
  • The Indian space transportation sector is witnessing the emergence of new players in the private sector who in order to tap the commercial potential of small satellite launch services, are eager to leverage the national facilities already established by the Government.
  • Sustaining independent access to space and the continuous evolution of space transportation capabilities towards human and robotic space exploration along with the commercial exploitation of global opportunities require a robust national space transportation policy aimed at promoting & fostering national capabilities in the development of end-to-end space transportation systems and strengthening of Public Private Partnerships.

National Space Transportation Policy 2020:

The National Space Transportation Policy enables independent and reliable access to space towards harnessing space technology in the interest of national development, security & sovereignty and also to foster an environment for Indian entities to develop capabilities in space transportation systems and thereby gain a significant position in the global space economy.

  • Promote and foster an environment within the country for Indian entities to develop capability & capacity in space transportation systems.
  • Enable the commercial utilization of the launch capacity and space transportation technologies developed by the Department through its commercial arm.
  • Focus on advanced research & technology development towards improving access to space and supporting human/robotic space exploration.
  • Engage in mutually beneficial partnerships with international space agencies/technology providers towards the joint development of advanced space transportation capabilities.

Need for the policy:

  • Sustaining independent access to space and the continuous evolution of space transportation capabilities towards human and robotic space exploration along with the commercial exploitation of global opportunities require a robust national space transportation systems policy.
  • The increasing number of startups in the country in the recent years, who are seeking to develop independent space launch systems to capture the global launch services market, require a seamless technological & regulatory pathway in the country so that the private ecosystem can prosper in the area while also bringing in innovative technologies including its spin-offs benefiting the Indian economy.
  • Considering the growing number of private enterprises in the country who are involved in space activities including launch vehicle development and in order to promote research & development and strengthen the capabilities of Indian entities to capture a significant share of the space economy, it is necessary to make available the relevant technologies developed by the Department along with the test facilities & installations including the launch sites through a suitable authorization mechanism.
  • It is essential to ensure that the independent launch activities undertaken by Indian entities are in accordance with relevant treaties & other international agreements due to the impact of such activities on public safety, domestic & global transport and in-orbit satellites. Therefore, an authorization mechanism needs to be in place to ensure compliance to the relevant regulations and safety requirements.
  • While promoting space industry in the country, sustaining launch capabilities for societal needs & national requirement is to be ensured.
  • Further, it is essential for the Department to work towards advanced space transportation capabilities including new propulsion systems, reusability as well as heavy lift capabilities to undertake robotic/human space exploration.

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